Blitzkrieg looked quickly and as mencingly as she could, her ligtning fingers extended, ready to fire on anything she saw; but she didn't see anyone! The girl Misfit had simply disappeared and reappeared on Blitzkrieg's right side. Once again the villainess fell into confusion. "Oh!" She said aloud, "Am I fighting a GHOST? Is it an angel of vengeance come to punish me for my crimes?" Blitzkrieg was serious when she said this in her North German dialect. Well, whoever or whatever it was that was frustrating Blitzkrieg's enterprise, her best move was to leave the jewelry store as quickly as she could. She didn't give a thought to the thousans and thousands of dollars that had been in her grasp, or the money she had in her hand and was constrained to drop when Misfit had slapped her on her "sexy" bare bottom and threw her into confusion by disappearing before Blitzkrieg could fire her magic finger tips then appearing on her other side.
Blitzkrieg assumed that the ghost or phantom - or magic superhero or superheroine - only spoke English so she said in the language, shortly before her projected departure, "I Adjure you, gheist or Mann or Weib! I COMMAND you to identify yourself! Ich vill first tell du wer ich bin - ich bin heist Blitzkrieg, einne great wizard wer takes vat sie wants! Nun, du identify yourself! I ADJURE du!"
Misfit appeared in back of Blitzkrieg, and patted her bare bottom. "Well, gangster - you're HARDLY a wizard! If you must know my name is Misfit! Iam an associate of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman! THEY don't have time to waste with the likes of you! And Wonder Woman even told me to ignore you're break-in, that you were just too DENSE to carry out a successful heist! You've NEVER succeeded, "Blitzkrieg" and you never will! You may or may not have succeeded in you attempted heist tonight, but I am here to see to it that you definitely fail and that you do not get away from this place without being sternly punished!"
Blitzkrieg assumed the girl-hero was of supra-human strength, but she did not know if she was invulnerable at least to pain, so the young criminal aimed and fired her ligtning tips at Misfit, but even before the flames got close to her this strange, phantom-like girl disappeared -and then reappeared mysteriously in another part of the room, but still close enough to apprehend Blitzkrieg whenever she wanted.
DC Comics
International spanking