Dame Athanasia even didn't realized what had happened. The tree grabbed her and tore bottoms of her britches off right when she was in one step from taking the chalice. And in the next moment she found herself somewhere above the earth. Vampiress heard her werewolf-sidekick's moanful howl, but before she did turned her head too see her, a long, whippy, biting switch suddenly moved and stroke her buttocks very hard and painful. Both girls moaned and sniffed in pain, trying to break the branches, which were holding them, making their bottoms easy targets to the switches, but those were too thick and held them very tight, while a switchy branch continued whipping their fenceless buttock, making them red and sore.
Story inspired by Kalidwen's game Elven Kingdom (which you may found here - https://kalidwen.itch.io/elven-kingdom)