Sticky: Welcome to the D&D world!


Hail and well met good adventurer! Welcome to the spanking slumber party D&D table! In this thread I'm gonna tell you how you can play D&D with your favorite brats and spankos at this here slumber party!

HOW DO I PLAY? It's easy! First and foremost, you will want to join the SSP discord! That's where we can talk in real time, roll virtual dice, all that goodness!

WHAT DO I NEED TO PLAY? Well, you'll need certain resources, such as the Player's Handbook. There's lots of ways to acquire them online, and you can ask for help if you need it; I'm fairly confident I'll be able to get you what you need. Other than that, you need to make a character! What level or equipment you can have will mostly be up to your DM, so for your standard character sheet, just make it by the books and you can ask your DM if you change stuff.

WHO IS THE DM? We have several! When we play DnD for the official game night, one of us DMs will run a one-shot adventure!

WHEN ARE WE PLAYING? I'm looking for some feedback on this but I'm pretty sure sunday seems like a good day to play, still a weekend so most folks ought to have it off.

WHAT KIND OF GAME CAN WE EXPECT? That will vary from DM to DM but in general we're going to have a more light hearted tone. If you want to set up a longer, more serious campaign, then feel free to start a group! For the game night though, we're going to stick to a format that allows whoever is present to play~

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO KNOW? I'm not sure! So feel free to ask me any questions that I've failed to address! I'll update this post or make others as necessary! Until then, good adventurer, may your 20s be natural, and your schedules agreeable~

Edited: 05-27-21 11:19 AM


I heard somewhere that Dungeons and Dragons makes you worship Satan. Is that true?

05-27-21 11:27 AM


Not technically, it's more optional but encouraged....

05-27-21 15:07 PM


There's no satan in D&D. You're thinking of Asmodeus~

05-27-21 15:10 PM

Do we have a possible time expectations? Due to different zones it might be hard for some ( me for a start) to join if the game is USA based

05-29-21 00:50 AM


whats your time zone?

05-30-21 02:52 AM


05-30-21 17:15 PM
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